Oh, YES! Lovesick Expo is returning to Seattle on January 24th. Even better, we’ll be back at Showbox SoDo again this year!
Not sure what Lovesick is? It’s the brainchild of Lovesick, a wedding company in Philly, and OffBeat Bride, a wedding advice website for alternative couples. Where most wedding shows are full of white plastic and sleazy vendors, Lovesick is hosted in concert venues and is more of a big ass party full of people who want to help make your wedding yours, not just pump out another cookie-cutter wedding that fits their formula.
What’s it really like? Well, last year, my booth was between a burlesque company, a sex toy shop and a caterer who has passing out free blackberry crumble that I may have eaten….well, more than one of. And let’s not forget the full bar. Oh yes, a full bar. Now that’s a wedding show I can support!
Ok, ok, that sounds nice but it REALLY doesn’t do justice to this event. Check out this awesome wrap-up video from last year’s Lovesick tour!
If you missed it last year, check out my set from the last year’s expo!
Live at Lovesick Seattle by John Wood on Mixcloud
See you in January!